Tuesday, April 19, 2011


I didn't realize that I hadn't posted up about the shoulder build to the blog yet.  I'll have to add photos later, but the shoulders are framed up, countersunk and can take the weight of the main legs on them at this point.  They still need a lot of finish work to them, but they came out really well.  I'll put up a post with more of the "how I did it" once I have the photos added to the gallery, but the short and long of building the styrene shoulders are a - make sure that the circle cutter is sharp before you start, because the thing is scary beyond all reason,  b - you have to be ultra precise on the fins to make sure they are the same height and square else it gets annoying, c - be ultra careful to keep consistent when you are countersinking or you can end up making two of the same shoulders, and d - be careful with installing the bolts (and the inside bolts are a pain!).

The good news is that they seem really solid, and even while not perfect should do fine for the project, and were easy to build even if nerky.  Tomorrow I'm planning on getting a couple of sheets of 1mm and some weldon 16 so I can start doing more finishing work on the legs and shoulders to finish out the month.  I can say that the project overall is getting more and more exciting as I start to see the progress and I'm starting to see the droid look like something other than just a can sitting on my workbench.

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